Autism, ADHD, and Near-InfraRed Light Therapy

Series #32


November 15, 2024
12pm-1pm ET

Join us for an informative webinar exploring the integration of Infra-Red Light Therapy with neurofeedback training programs at the ADD Centre. This webinar will cover: 

  • The importance of completing a thorough assessment to develop an effective intervention plan. 
  • How the ADD Centre has begun incorporating Infra-Red Light Therapy using iSyncwave technology into our neurofeedback training programs 
  • A review of results in 4 cases: two adults with ADHD plus emotional dysregulation (anxiety, depression); two children presenting with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms, one Gifted and one with low IQ 
  • Examples of pre-post data for each case and comments on results of the combined approach 

Participants will learn the details of when and how we provided the photobiomodulation therapy. We will discuss how the combination of Infra-Red Light Therapy and neurofeedback training can improve functioning in challenging younger clients who present with both ADHD and ASD and, also, enhance outcomes and client satisfaction in adult clients who want to manage symptoms of ADHD to optimize their performance. Join us to learn more about this innovative combined approach and how it can help your clients. 


Lynda Thompson, Ph.D., C. Psych., BCN, QEEG-D Executive Director, ADD Centre

Lynda Thompson, Ph.D., C. Psych., BCN, QEEG-D Executive Director, ADD Centre Lynda Thompson is a psychologist who has done teaching, clinical psychology, school psychology, and own learning centers. She became the executive director of The ADD Centre in Toronto in 1993 after discovering the world of neurofeedback and deciding to specialize in that intervention. Her doctoral dissertation dealt with hyperactive children treated with methylphenidate. She is co-author of The A.D.D. with William Sears. Book: New Understandings, New Approaches to Parenting Your Child. In addition to The ADD Book, co-authored with the pediatrician William Sears, she is co-author with Michael Thompson of The Neurofeedback Book and Functional Neuroanatomy, both published by AAPB. She has published nine book chapters and 14 journal articles, focusing on ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, seizure disorders, and stress management. Dr. Thompson has lectured in 25 countries and presented frequently at professional meetings.


Andrea Reid-Chung, M.A., C. Psych., BCN

Andrea Reid-Chung, M.A., C. Psych., BCN Clinical Director, ADD Centre Andrea Reid-Chung is a Psychological Associate registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. She has been an integral part of the ADD Centre and Biofeedback Institute of Toronto in Ontario for over a decade. As the Clinical Director, she is involved in treatment planning using neurofeedback, biofeedback and LORETA neurofeedback as well as staff training. Ms. Reid-Chung is certified by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) as an EEG-Biofeedback practitioner and is also a mentor for professionals who want to expand their skills concerning the provision of effective biofeedback and neurofeedback. She has presented at international conferences and assisted in teaching workshops. Ms. Reid-Chung was the first author on a paper investigating the effects of heart rate variability on sensorimotor rhythm and is co-author on other professional publications in the field of neuro/biofeedback. She has taken the lead on new initiatives at the ADD Centre, such as the provision of LORETA neurofeedback to optimize outcomes in complex cases.
We are proud to offer this webinar courtesy of our Sponsor, iMediSync.

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