Connect Tuesday

A Monthly Networking Event Exclusive for NRBS members

Connect Tuesdays Networking Event

Connect Tuesday 2025: Shaping the Future of Bio/Neurofeedback

Join us in 2025 as we reimagine Connect Tuesday with dynamic discussions addressing the opportunities, challenges, and pathways for a unified future in bio/neurofeedback. Each month, we’ll explore a specific theme accompanied by key questions to guide our conversations. This year’s series will dive deeper into advancing collaboration, integrating AI and wearable technologies, enhancing training pathways, and strengthening the professional identity of neurofeedback therapists. 


March 4th: Accessible and Standardized Training Pathways
Key Questions:

  • If someone wants to learn about ways to incorporate bio/neurofeedback in their practice, where do they currently start? What are some of the benefits and drawbacks to how people enter this field?
  • How can beginner training pathways be simplified and made equipment-neutral?
  • What should mid-level training courses focus on?


    Every First Tuesday of the Month

    January 7 @12-1pm ET

    February 4 @12-1pm ET

    March 4 @12-1pm ET

    April 1 @12-1pm ET

    May 6 @12-1pm ET

    June 3 @12-1pm ET

    July 1 @12-1pm ET

    August 5 @12-1pm ET

    September 2 @12-1pm ET

    October 7 @12-1pm ET

    November 4 @12-1pm ET

    December 2 @12-1pm ET

    Connect Tuesday – February 2025

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    Join our Casual, Low-Pressure Lunchtime Meetup!

    Hosted by:

    Jessica Eure, LPC, BCN, BCB

    Christine Tyrrell Baker, PhD

    Event Highlights

    Casual Networking

    Connect with a diverse range of professionals and communities in a relaxed atmosphere. Build your network in the comfort of a friendly and informal setting.


    Informal Knowledge Sharing

    Engage in valuable conversations over lunch. Discuss professional challenges industry trends, and share experiences with your peers

    Occasional Guest Speakers

    Gain insights from experts in applied psychophysiology and related fields. Expand your knowledge and learn from the best in the industry.

    Participate Your Way

    Experiencing zoom fatigue? No worries! Feel free to join in as you are comfortable, camera on or off. We encourage participation in any form that suits you best.

    Ticket: Connect Tuesday – February 2025

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